The International Studies Association is one of the oldest interdisciplinary associations dedicated to understanding international, transnational and global affairs. They host a conference every year gathering all of their members together.
Our team of 6 was tasked with encouraging companies to exhibit, sponor and advertise at the conference. We created both digital and print media to accomplish this.
As a Project manager, I was in charge of overseeing our progress and communicating directly with the client. I was in charge of setting up a schedules, logging hours as well as working on the actual content.
For this project, we needed to understand both what would attract companies to the conference and how the ISA Members would interact with them.
We watched hours of interviews from past conferences to get a feel for the members and companies interests, hobbies, professional work, and interest in the conference.
One of our final deliverables was a Pamphlet for print and an alternate digital medium to post on their website. This enabled them to reach out to potential companies and give them an overall understanding of how they could benefit from joining ISA's conference.
ISA told our team from the start they were open to anything from a branding perspective. We created a new logo that incorporated who they were as an organization but reflected a modern and clean look.
ISA also sponsors and a Postdoctural Program that funds one Graduate Student to conduct research with the international Studies Field. We met with Efe Tokdemir and conducted an interview to raise awareness about the program.
At the end of the project, the team and I presented our work to the client in a professional presentation. They loved everything we had done for them and have since come back to UConn's Ation Agency for more work.